Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dialogue on Racism Potluck Supper March 5, 2009

Amnesty International Lethbridge, the Lethbridge Mennonite Church, and the Aboriginal Council of Lethbridge co-organized the Dialogue on Racism potluck dinner on March 5, 2009. We invited religious organizations, civic society groups, First Nations organizations, Lethbridge City Council, the Lethbridge City police, and extended an open invitation via the Lethbridge Herald to members of the public.

We gave each attendee a number when they arrived, so that people would be sitting with people they did not already know. We wanted everyone to meet new people and break out of their familiar circles. Each table had a facilitator who helped their fellow dinner guests answer the set of three questions which were posed. We had simple ground rules: everyone's ideas were equally important, everyone must show respect, and everyone was worthy. We began to eat at 6:00 pm, and at 7:30 pm the facilitator from each table presented the results of their discussions to the whole room. Notes were taken on flip chart paper, and posted around the room as we progressed. By 8:00 pm, we had enough ideas for a booklet!

This booklet, Dialogue on Racism - Sharing Salt: A Grassroots Gathering, is available by e-mailing LARC at lethbridgearc@gmail.com.

New Blog for Lethbridge ARC

Brand new Blog - more information to come.